Rotary Club of Norfolk President Barbara Lipskis talks about the joys of being a Rotarian to a potential member at a recent Discover Rotary event at Elation Brewing.
Leaders Making a Difference at Home & Abroad
Mental Health Matters in Hampton Roads was the topic of a panel discussion at the October 8 Rotary Club of Norfolk meeting. Panelists were (seated from left) Dr. Mike Lane of Eastern Virginia Medical School, Andrea Long of The Up Center, and Stephani Osler with Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters. Standing with them are moderator Cathy Lewis (left) and Barbara Lipskis, Rotary Club president. The panelists discussed challenges and possible solutions for mental health issues prevalent in all ages -- from children to less-young adults.
Rotary Club of Norfolk members recently put their tools and carpentry skills to work building community projects to benefit Norfolk — a gazebo for the garden at Tarrallton Elementary School and Seven Little Free Library boxes for various neighborhoods (to be completed soon).
Once building and sealing is complete, the libraries will be moved over to PrimePlus Senior Center in Norfolk for volunteers to put the final touches on then installed in neighborhoods.
Rotarians are focused on Service Above Self, but they also enjoy a party and the opportunity to know each other better. A recent after-work gathering at the riverfront home of Rotarian Ed Kellam and his wife, Connie, came with live music by Rotarian Bob Heely channeling his inner Jimmy Buffett. Hawaiian shirts were in full display at this casual party.
After adding Rotary bookplates to 15,400 books and delivering them to all Norfolk Public Schools elementary schools, Rotarians like Barbara Lifland had the pleasure of giving books to children as part of the All-District Reads program. Each student received the same book and is encouraged to read it and talk about it with their families.
101 W. Main St.
Norfolk, VA 23510
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