Problems are never the problem. Not knowing how to think, is
Jan 03, 2017
Les Dossey
Problems are never the problem. Not knowing how to think, is

Les Dossey is CEO of Les Dossey Group, creator and head coach of Learn Do Grow 10X ® and the Clean
Thinking Lab ™. A lifelong entrepreneur, pioneering and conceptual thinker, Les' focus is on writing, developing
growth concepts and thinking tools, strategic planning, building dynamic relationships, and coaching
entrepreneurial groups and individuals.
In his spare time Les reads 50+ books a year, serves as head chef at the Dossey suite, body builds, takes long
walks his wife and their boxer ‘Barbie’ and engages in new adrenaline producing bucketlist adventures. And
whenever his wife Lisa says, “JUMP” he asks, “how high” on the way up.
To learn more about Les or his entrepreneurial rejuvenation program please visit,
© Les